About Me

Hey I'm Atanas. I was born in Bulgaria (pictured above) but I've lived in Lexington, KY for so long that now I say y'all conversationally and drink sweet tea. I'm also a QA Engineer at OpenText.

Coding Projects

Short descriptions, ReadMes, features, and demos of several projects.


Subjects taught, skill level, student reviews, and links to resources.



A single player Yahtzee web app

Fantasy Cruncher

A tool for analyzing fantasy football data

16-Bit Processor

A virtual pipelined floating-point processor

Megaminx Solver

Creates, randomizes, and solves a Megaminx, a 12-face Rubik's Cube, using A*

My Two Homes

Lexington Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky

Lexington is home to horses, bourbon, and some of the nicest people on the planet.

Plovdiv Bulgaria

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Plovdiv is home to great foods, views, history, and, coincidentally, also some of the nicest people on the planet.