
Single player Yahtzee web app against computer opponent

Think you got what it takes to beat Professor Meowsky at his favorite pasttime? Play a game of Meowtzee


Meowtzee Yahtzee Readme

How to play Meowtzee, scoring rules, quick hints on optimal strategy, and general Yahtszee rules.


Meowtzee Yahtzee

Starts a new game of Meowtzee.


  • Average expected score of 241.82 per game, compared to 254.59 using optimum strategy.

  • Testing mode computes average AI score and standard deviation, as well as the average score within each category. It takes the number of games to play as a parameter; each game takes .017 seconds to process.

  • Displays the potential score the player would get for filling in a box after every dice roll.


  • Optimizing computer AI performance using decision trees

  • Modifying existing functions to create a testing mode used for running simulations

  • Fine tuning computer decisions using testing mode output

  • Creating a web app using JavaScript and HTML


  • Professor Paul Linton at the University of Kentucky assigned a basic version of Yahtzee in his Web Dev course. He provided the HTML outline used in Meowtzee and a template for the original functions

  • Olaf Vancurra's book Advantage Yahtzee was key in making the decision tree

  • Tom Verhoeff published the original research on the Yahtzee Optimal Strategy


  • The expected average score was of 241.82 for the computer was calculated based a sample size of 100,000 games. The average standard deviation of 62.2 implies that a smaller sample size could result in a significantly different average.

  • Testing mode can be accessed here: Testing Mode. Each 100 games take about 1.7 seconds. Full output can be accessed by inspecting the console.

Future Directions

  • Decision tree can be better optimized to come closer to the expected average score using the optimal strategy

  • Using a Markov Decision Process and graph theory to approximate the perfect score

  • Including a multiplayer mode

  • AI is currently optimized to reach the highest possible average score. It could instead focus on beating the opponent